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What is Your Biggest Takeaway?

“Choose to believe something good can happen. Expecting it to happen energizes your goal and actually gives it momentum.” - Nikita Koloff

It’s our final day of Keeping the Momentum Moving Forward week AND our last day of Make Your Own Momentum! I can’t believe how fast it’s gone by!

For our last day, let’s go over how to get back into a routine after you’ve fallen out of it. Maybe you went on a vacation. Maybe you got sick. Maybe you were injured. Maybe it was the holidays when everyone's schedules are thrown off. Life happens and we get off track so how do we get back to our routine?

I know we talked about this earlier in the month, but here’s a DIFFERENT spin on it…

We can often want to jump back into a routine we’ve been doing for a while right away. We feel guilty for being out of it and think it should be easy to bounce back, but transition can take time, and that’s okay. If you go all in on your first Monday back from vacation, you might feel overwhelmed fitting everything in. When we get overwhelmed and stressed, we’re less likely to keep going.

Try doing just one or two things that were a part of your routine. Read before bed but don’t worry about the journaling you were doing. Plan out your meals but don’t stress about prepping everything.

Or do a lighter version of what you used to do. Go for a 10-minute walk instead of doing your 45-minute workout. Make your bedtime 10:30 instead of 9:30 since you stayed up late over the holidays.

As you start doing things that were familiar to you, you’ll probably start to crave everything you used to do in your daily and weekly routines and naturally they’ll start becoming a part of your days once more.

And that’s it for this month! I hope you learned a lot, crushed some goals, set some routines, and will keep at it! Tomorrow we start Ground Yourself in Growth and I can’t wait to dive into all things nature, healthy eating, personal development, and more! If you want more info, let me know! Thank you so much for being here!

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