"Never underestimate the importance of having fun." -Randy Pausch
Happy Saturday! 😊 And happy day ONE of our Harvesting Health Month. I can’t think of a better way to kick things off than with some weekend fun! 🤩
We’re Saving Time For Fall Fun on Saturdays this month so that starts now! I’ll give you some fun suggestions for activities you can do on a Saturday to enjoy the fall weather and I want to hear what kind of fun you came up with!
It can be hard to find the time for fun activities sometimes with all the things we have going on. But it is so important to have these breaks for your mental and emotional health, especially since things will only get busier as we get closer to the holidays! 💕
Sometimes the easiest way to make sure we are making time for fun, is to schedule it in! So, check out some of my suggestions below and plan a head a little bit….what are you going to plan for NEXT Saturday??