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Functional Fitness Challenge Video 3: Core - Hinge & Rotate / Anti-Rotate

Core, core, core! Understanding how our core works is so underprioritized. The two biggest takeaways I want you to understand are these:

  1. Your core is not just your abs. It is made up of a TON of very small muscles that surround your entire midsection and it includes your hips. In the physical therapy world we refer to the core as the lumbopelvic-hip complex, meaning the interacting parts of the lumbar (lower back) spine, the pelvis, and the hips.

  2. Your pelvis is the key to your low back health and safety. You absolutely must be able to identify and mobilize your pelvis. We cover this in the hip hinge section.

Don't worry. It's not as complicated as it sounds, but it does take practice. We've got this!

Homework: Friday & Saturday 1-3 sets of 10


Hip Hinge: 1 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions

・Soft knees

・Feet hip width

・Place hands on pelvis

・Maintaining a rigid spine and soft knees:

・Bend forward AT THE HIPS by rotating your pelvis forward, pushing your belly button downward, keeping the chest high

・When stretch is felt in hamstrings return to upright position

*Bend at the hips NOT the waist / belly button

Rotate / Anti-Rotate: 1 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions (each side) of one anti-rotation exercise - see modification options

Modified Plank Weight Shift

・Get into plank position your surface

Kitchen counter, dining table, coffee table, full plank/pushup position, hands and knees

・Feet together or hip width

・Shoulders, hips, & knees in-line


・Hands just wider than shoulders, at chest level

・Engage your core to “lock” yourself into position

・Shift your weight onto one hand, lifting the opposite hand off the surface

・Hold for five seconds

・Repeat on opposite hand


・Reach: Take 5 seconds to lift arm fully forward until bicep is next to your ear

・5 seconds up, 5 seconds down, no stopping

・Birddog (only from elevated surface or hands and knees):

・Take 5 seconds to lift arm and opposite leg straight up

・5 seconds up, 5 seconds down, no stopping

As before and always, listen to your body and work within your abilities.

Yes, we're here to challenge ourselves, but we do not want to force our bodies to do things they are not ready for.

If you can only come down a few inches, then just come down a few inches. More will come with time. If you can do more, go for it!

REMEMBER: we’re still moving SUPER SLOWLY!!! Working slowly develops muscular coordination, balance, and endurance, all of which are keys to joint stabilization and injury prevention. Don't underestimate the importance of moving slowly!

Post your questions in the comments!

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